can you help? show your support

Eurydice Dixon was remembered at a vigil in Melbourne by an estimated 10,000+ people.
In Sydney, they took a slightly different approach, also reading the names of the 29 other women in Australia who have been killed by violence this year.
20 other vigils took place around Australia, with over 300 people in Perth taking part.
Are you willing to match public outcry with a direct investment in programs that prevent violence against women? Are you now ready to take action?
PVAW is currently seeking donations of $10,000 dollars, $300, $29, and $20 or $1 before the end of the financial year.
Show your support by heading over to the TryBooking secure online donation option: click here
We will can send you a tax receipt via email.
Every donation is gratefully received and will help countless women and children.
Thank YOU
Your donation enables us to continue to run programs to prevent violence against women with a focus on interventions in workplaces, education, community and home.
It also goes to supporting research into the problem and advocacy campaigns to keep the issue on the agenda and funded.
All of which takes staff and volunteer time and resources
We are a registered Charity and have Deductible Gift Recipient status.
This means that donations over $2 are tax deductible.
If you are unable to make a donation, consider inviting us to your workplace to present our one-hour session on Family and Domestic Violence (FDV) or talk to us about how to champion 'Respectful Relationships' education in WA Primary, Secondary and Tertiary institutions.